June 23′ Newsletter

Welcome to our first ever newsletter! We will be sharing our highlights on all thing’s gym-related from the previous month and what to look forward to in the upcoming month. This month we’ve got a little bit of everything, so read on to make sure you don’t miss out!

Murph 2023

First off, thank you to everyone who showed out for Murph this year. We always have a good turnout and I think that showcases the grit and dedication of our community. Keep being savage, ya’ll. 

Get out of the gym day – Deuel Creek Hike on June 24th

We did a hike last year around this time of summer and had such a good time we wanted to bring it back! We are going to meet at the Deuel Creek trailhead at 9amand head up as a group. We will have people going at all different types of paces, I personally will be out for a nice leisurely stroll; while Davis and Rachel may have weight vests and stop watches (joking, maybe). We will be doing this instead of the 9am partner WOD and 10:15 Oly class, so come get your dose of fitness outside with us!

Olympic Lifting Class – Every Saturday at 10:15-11:15am

Guys, this class is the bomb. David Segun is teaching it and he is hands down of the most technical lifters I’ve ever seen. He’s a great teacher and will be able to help you get your Oly lifting feeling good. Right now, we are two weeks into a snatch progression, where we are slowly increasing the weight in every week while hitting accessory lifts like the snatch balance, sotts press, snatch pulls and many others. It’s a great time to join and I encourage all skill-levels to come try it out!

The Open in June?!

NCFIT, who programs our workouts, is running a mid-year open-style competition the next three Fridays. Each workout the next three Fridays at the gym will be very open-esque, and there is an option to sign up on Competition corner if you want to compare your scores to everyone in the world who does NCFIT – Link here: NCFIT Mid-Year Mini-Comp | Powered by Competition Corner ®| Official Site


If you’ve read this far, first of all I’m impressed, and seriously thank you for catching up on what we we’ve got going on. We have just a few extra small things we want to share:

July Community Day – Mark your calendars as we would love for you to join us for a community day on Saturday July 22nd, where we will hit a few workouts, grill out, play games, and hangout as a big group. More details to come ????

We have a group of volleyball girls training at the gym 1-2pm Monday-Thursday throughout summer, so open gym will be not available during that time. Let us know if this is an inconvenience and we will figure something out!

Thank you, have a great weekend, and better see you at Oly tomorrow

people working out in a group fitness class

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