November 23′ Newsletter

801 Crew,

Couple of important announcements and kudos to give in this month’s newsletter.

We hope everyone who got a Dexa scan found the information interesting and useful. Perhaps it was a little harrowing as well…  don’t stress if that was you! Dexa scans will be a little higher on the body fat % estimate compared to other methods since they are able to measure your visceral fat (fat near your intestines). The tech from Dexa also said we had the fittest bunch of people he has seen at one location. Score!! Let us know if you need help figuring out how to action off the results or with putting together a nutrition plan. As always, we are more than happy to offer some guidance.

First month of committed club is done and dusted. We are super impressed to see 20 people reach our goal of 15 classes within the month. We did a random drawing for the winner (see Instagram for video) and our inaugural committed club champ is Luke Robinson! Congrats, Luke and keep up the good work everyone, let’s see who wins the gift card next month.

We are excited to announce we will be hosting a Health Challenge to end the year. The theme is a mix between “beat the coaches” and “pre-New Years resolution, resolution (?)”. The challenge will involve following a diet of your choice, hitting a certain daily step count, minimum hrs. of sleep, hitting the gym, and a few other ways to earn points. Plus, a weekly booster for consecutive days and if you happen “beat” (score more points) than the designated coach of said week. We hope this brings a fun way to stay focused on your health and fitness to close out the year. Not to mention if you happen to score enough points, there may be some 801 swag handed out. The challenge will go from 11/27 to 12/22 so we can get a full four weeks of hard work in before we enjoy the holidays guilt free with our friends and families ???? more to come in a separate email!

We will be moving the Olympic Lifting class from Saturdays to Mondays at 6pm, starting 11/6. Again, all skill levels are very much welcome to this class. We will focus on the two Olympic lifts, the clean and jerk and the snatch, but also work in some accessory movements to aid in the learning and development of these lifts as well. If you’re interested but not sure if it’s for you, I’d say first come try it out and see! But if you want to see how they are ran you can see the past few months of Saturdays workouts on SugarWod (hit the workout of the day button and switch to Olympic lifting).

The programming focuses for November will shift away from bench press and overhead squat to back squat, deadlift, and push jerks. We will do a 4-week progression for these three lifts then test 1-rep maxes on week 5.

Last but definitely not least, a big congrats to Coach Davis and her team for qualifying for the Wodapalooza CrossFit competition in Florida!! This is one of the premier CrossFit events in World and we are very proud and excited to see them throwdown against the big dogs in the new year.

As always, let us know if you have any questions or need anything.

people working out in a group fitness class

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