July 23′ Newsletter

Welcome to our July newsletter – hopefully one day we can get some graphics and pictures to make reading this a little more entertaining… but for now just critique my grammar and writing style and I’m sure you’ll be plenty entertained.

First off, thanks to everyone who came out for our ‘Get Out of the Gym’ day a few weeks ago! It was fun to get out and hike with everyone and we were thrilled to have a bigger group than last year. We might try to do another one toward the end of summer, and if you’re interested, please let us know so that we can gauge interest and make it happen again.

Looking ahead for the rest of this month, we are really stoked about our upcoming ‘Community Day’ on July 22nd. We’ll kick off the day with a WOD starting at 9AM and wrap things up with some tasty BBQ, a friendly cornhole and spike ball tournament and a fun challenge at the end! We’re excited to be cranking up the smokers and showing off the BBQ skills so come hungry and don’t forget to bring a friend/family member (or two) to pass the time with. We don’t want anyone to feel obligated to bring anything but if you have a favorite dish you absolutely love to make or have a game you want to have us play you’re welcome to do so. Your friends/family are invited to join any part of this event and we hope you take us up on the offer! The workout will be a little longer than usual, but like all our other workouts it will be scalable and doable for any skill level.

We also have the Iron Games happening August 24-26th down in Cedar City – this competition is by far the most fun and best ran comp in Utah every year. Last year we had a solid showing and would love to build off that success and have another crew representing what CF801 is all about. They have a few different divisions to choose from so don’t feel like it’s an elite-only event. As of now we have a handful of people signed up, so let us know if you want to join us and/or have any questions or apprehensions that we can help with! Here’s a link to the event page for registration and general info in this event: Home (theirongamesfitnessfestival.com)

Last thing, we hope you enjoyed the Open-style workouts we’ve had the last few Fridays from our programmer NCFIT (if enjoying a WOD is possible?). Like we mentioned, there was an online competition you could sign up for and submit your scores to. So big shout out to our only two sign ups (shame on everyone else for not representing ????) – Mercedes for taking 4th place and Liv Barton for taking 23rd place out of hundreds of athletes in the female performance division! Pretty dang solid if you ask me. And an opposite of a shoutout to me for DNF’ing after week 1.

Thanks for reading another month of our community highlights. If you have any suggestions on topics you want us to include here (or really anything you want to share with us) let me know!

people working out in a group fitness class

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