February 24′ Newsletter

801 Crew,

Tons happening at the gym to start the year – It’s exciting to see all the new faces and how jam packed a lot of our classes have been! Let’s keep that momentum rolling for another great month. Please take a few minutes to read our February updates below.

The CrossFit Open, our favorite Community event of the year, is fast approaching! Now that we are about a month out, we have started sign-ups on the whiteboard at the gym. To sign up, have a coach snag a photo of you and make sure to write down your name and how many years you’ve been doing the Open on the front of the Polaroid, and your phone number on the back for easy communicating with your future team. Speaking of teams, we will be doing a LIVE draft for teams at the end of February (Instagram Live), so make sure to get yourself signed up asap so you don’t get missed! More details to come on teams, scoring and how we are running heats for Friday night lights. In case you missed my blog on the Open, check it out here to get all the background info in the meantime: Unveiling the CrossFit Open: A Journey of Fitness and Community – CrossFit 801 (crossfit-801.com)

Quick Ragnar Race update – we’ve got some runners in the building! Exciting to see so many others who are also a gluten for pain… I am gonna shoot everyone who signed up a separate email here shortly to get details figured out so we can get signed up. If you want in, let me know! There’s still some time to get added.  

January Committed Club Winner is …. Naomi Campbell! Very well deserved. Naomi has been a super consistent member since joining us a few years ago. Her husband Colin and son Jack can also be seen around the gym on the regular. In January, we had our largest total group for committed club to date! Reminder – if you hit more than 15 classes in a month you are automatically put into a drawing for a $50 gift card. Props to these amazing individuals who crushed January:

Alan Bott with 24 days, Naomi Campbell 20, Collin Campbell 17, Jake Earl 21, Chris Eckel 18, Ben Fallows 15, Bryan Franco 20, Heather Gefrom 20, Annmarie Hoppel 15, Cami Jensen 23, Sandra Jones 23, Emmily Jones 18, Jared Lake 19, Liv Marcheschi 25, Morrea Morgan 15, Brynn Pollastro 23, Sophia Robinson 23, Luke Robinson 26, Chad Wagstaff 19, Collette West 15, Yvonne Whittaker 15, Stevenson Wilson 20, Dana Wildeboer 20

February programming focuses – eat your Wheaties folks, we test 1-rep max back squat and deadlift next week! The rest of February will focus on old Open workouts (gross) to prep us for March.

Our very own Chris Eckel and his company Escapod are doing a round of fundraising. We wanted to share this with the community in case anyone is interested in learning about what him and his company are all about. If you ever have a special project you wanted highlighted please let us know. We have some amazing individuals in our community that deserve the spotlight!

From Chris: “Sending a quick note about an opportunity we have going on at Escapod, the company I’ve helped grow and run for the past 6 years. We’re opening up a round of investment and trying to keep things tight with friends and family only. It’s a good opportunity to come in early in our company’s growth and thought you (or someone in the community) might find it interesting. Please feel free to pass this info along to anyone in your circles that might be interested in investing in a Utah business – I’d be happy to talk with them or have them up to the shop for a tour.”

We’ve put together some materials here: invest.escapod.us
Sign in with: [your email address]
Password: TOPO2

Thanks for reading, keep crushin’ it!

people working out in a group fitness class

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