January 24′ Newsletter

Happy New Year!

We hope you enjoyed the holidays and got some down time with family and friends over the past few weeks. We’ve got a ton of exciting things planned for 2024 and can’t wait to get to work and bring you guys our best year yet! Let’s recap December, then talk a few of those exciting things happening in the coming months.

First and foremost, HUGE shoutout to those that participated in our end of year Health Challenge. It takes serious dedication to stay on top of your sh!#$ throughout the Holidays, so hats off to all of you. We had six amazing individuals beat the challenge and earn themselves a free sweatshirt. Big congrats to Chris Eckel with a whopping 230 points, Liv Barton with 203 points, Michael McCarthy with 205 points, Emmily Jones with 194 points, Joe Fox with 201 points and Annmarie Hoppel with 201 points.

For the rest of us, sweatshirts are now available to purchase at the gym. We have some hung up for you to try on (preferably before your workout ????) for sizing. We have two different styles to choose from, both are $40 per sweatshirt. We’ve got more than what is currently at the gym, so if you need a certain size that isn’t there, let us know. Grab one while you can!

It’s awesome to see another stacked Committed Club for December – this month’s winner is Ted Arlington. Ted’s been on the committed club list since we started it and through his consistency has made leaps and bounds in the gym since joining us in July.

Shout out to these studs who also got more than 15 days in December:

Alan Bott 24, Naomi Campbell 18, Colin Campbell 16, Jake Earl 15, Chris Eckel 19, Alan Fagergren 16, Bryan Franco 18, Heather Gerform 15, Emmily Jone 17, Jared Lake 17, Liv Marcheschi 18, Michael McCarthy 22, Matt Paluso 15, Sophia Robinson 21, Luke Robinson 20, Nicole Stohl 17, Stevenson Wilson 17

Looking ahead, the CrossFit Open is quickly approaching. As of today, we have 59 days until the first workout is released. We had so much fun doing the intramural open last year, so we are bringing it back! We will provide all the details here soon but until then, train hard; and push yourself to try some of the harder skills like toes to bar, chest to bar pull-ups and handstand push-ups so you’re ready for whatever they throw at us.

We also started a signup list on the whiteboard for those who are interested in running the Ragnar relay race in June. If you’re at all interested, make sure to put your name down in the next few weeks so we can finish coordinating teams and get us all registered.

The programming focus for January and most of February will be on strength training, more specifically the back squat and deadlift. Most strength sessions will happen after the workout, simulating an Open-style type of workout that we may see in March. There will also be a few Hero workouts mixed in for maximum suffering as well.

Our programmer, NCFit also puts together a really great document that highlights the programming focuses for each of our tracks (Daily Class WODs, Competitor, etc.) for the entire year. If you are a programming nerd such as myself, you can check out this document here: NCFIT_2024Outlook (squarespace.com)

I can’t wait to see what you all accomplish in 2024! Let’s get it

people working out in a group fitness class

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